5th ICDICI 2024 – Proceedings by IEEE Xplore (Scopus) – November 18-20, 2024 | SCAD College of Engg. & Technology

5th International Conference on

Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics

18-20, November 2024      ICDICI 2024

Organized by
SCAD College of Engineering and Technology
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India

We are pleased to invite you to 5th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics (ICDICI 2024), taking place on November 18th – 20th, 2024 in Tirunelveli, India. This conference is designed to equip professionals across diverse fields to enhance the research knowledge on computing, communication and informatics.

5th ICDICI 2024 invites new submissions in the areas mentioned in Call For Papers

Submission Mode: Send your articles to icdici.conf@gmail.com
Article length should be minimum 6 pages maximum 8 pages.

5th ICDICI 2024 Publication Details
The conference proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore
Conference CFP @ IEEE: https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/62993
IEEE Indexing Details: Scopus (Elsevier); Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics); ProQuest IET; NLM; CrossRef 

For any conference related queries, contact us at mail  icdici.conf@gmail.com
user  +91-9600368297

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