Archive for September, 2024

The 5th international workshop on Machine Learning for EEG Signal Processing (MLESP)

The  5th international workshop on Machine Learning for EEG Signal Processing (MLESP 2024, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 3 to 6 December 2024, in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2024, Overview EEG signal processing involves the analysis and treatment of the electrical activity of […]

SADIO – Curso virtual: Python: Soporte Orientado a Objetos y Soporte Funcional

¡¡TODAVIA PODES INCORPORARTE!! Estimados Les acercamos un nuevo curso de capacitación que se dictará en SADIO de manera virtual. Esperamos que sea de su interés y agradecemos la difusión que pueda darle. Consulte por otros cursos en Saludos cordiales.   ¡Seguinos en nuestras redes sociales para enterarte de más novedades!        Curso virtual: […]

Scopus Q3 Journal invitation – Generación de STEAM en condiciones extremas con xSTEAM

We, the editorial team of the Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental – RGSA (Journal of Social and Environmental Management), e-ISSN: 1981-982X, have reviewed the proceedings of the “XXIX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación” and noticed that you have published the article: “Generación de STEAM en condiciones extremas con xSTEAM”. Considering the relevance […]

Don’t Miss: September Call for Papers 📘📝🎓

Dear author,   We know how important the publication of scientific articles is for every researcher. A published article opens opportunities for obtaining a degree, receiving a grant, developing a career, sharing knowledge with other experts, and finding colleagues for further cooperation.   Over the last year, we have expanded the number of specialised journals as […]

PRORROGAÇÃO- Convite para Publicação no e-book “Educação e Ensino na Era da Informação III”

AVISO DE PRORROGAÇÂO: A data de submissão dos artigos em nossa plataforma ( ) foi prorrogada até o dia 30/09/2024 (segue anexo o convite original, para sua referência). Caso já tenha efetuado a submissão, por favor desconsiderar essa mensagem.  AVISO DE EXTENSIÓN: El plazo para el envío de artículos ( ) se extendió hasta el 30 de septiembre (a continuación se […]

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