DSP2025 – Costa Navarino, Greece


25th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing

Please consider contributing to the following event and kindly help to forward the Call for Papers to those potentially interested.

25th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing
25-27 June 2025, Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece
Theme: “Deepfake Signals, Images and Videos”.

  • Submission of full papers – Feb 25, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance – Apr 10, 2025
  • Author advance registration – Apr 25, 2025
  • Camera-ready paper submission – May 5, 2025

Τhe 25th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2025), technically co-sponsored by IEEE(*) Signal Processing Society and EURASIP, will be held June 25-27, 2025 in Costa Navarino, Messinia in southwest Peloponnese, Greece. It is the longest in existence Conference in the area of DSP and belongs to a series of events that commenced from London in 1967 and continued to Florence, Nicosia, Limassol, Santorini, Cardiff, Corfu, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Rhodes in 2023. It will bring together leading experts from academia and industry to share the most recent and exciting advances in the general area of digital signal processing and analysis.

(*) technical co-sponsorship in progress

DSP 2025 addresses the theory and applications of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analysing, recognising, synthesising, recording, and reproducing signals by means of digital devices or techniques. The term “signal” includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and any other type of signal. This includes primarily those areas listed under all EDICS categories of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.

The program will include presentations on novel research theories / applications / results in lecture, poster and plenary sessions. Special Sessions organised by internationally recognised experts in the area constitute the basis of DSP conferences.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Signal Processing

• Application of AI and ML techniques for signal processing

• Advances in deep learning models for image and video analysis

• Explainable AI in signal and image processing

Biomedical Signal Processing

• Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

• Brain-Computer Interface

• Genomic Signal Processing

• Signal Processing in Genomics and Proteomics

Digital and Multirate Signal Processing

• Adaptive Signal Processing

• Digital and Multirate Signal Processing

• Digital Filter Design and Implementation

• Multidimensional Filters and Transforms

• Multiresolution Signal Processing

• Multiway Signal Processing

• Theory and Applications of Transforms

• Time-Frequency Analysis and Representation

• Statistical Signal Processing

Emerging Technologies in Signal Processing

• Quantum signal processing

• Neuromorphic computing

• Signal processing in AR/VR applications

Human-Computer Interaction

• Gesture and facial expression recognition

• Signal processing for augmented and virtual reality

• Multimodal interfaces combining audio, visual, and haptic signals

Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing

• Array Signal Processing

• Signal Processing for Smart Sensors and Systems

• Compressive Sensing


Signal Processing for Communications

• Geophysical/Radar/Sonar Signal Processing

• MIMO Signal Processing

Signal Processing for Audio/Image/Video

• Audio/Speech/Music Processing & Coding

• Digital Photography

• HDR Imaging

• Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing

• Image/Video Indexing, Search and Retrieval

• Image/Video Compression and Coding Standards

• Image/Video Content Analysis

• Image/Video Processing Techniques

• 3D Image Processing and Applications

• Mobile Imaging and Image Quality

• Real-Time Signal/Image/Video Processing

• Video Surveillance and Transportation Imaging

• Digital Watermarking and Data Hiding

Other Areas and Applications

• Big Data

• Cognitive Signal Processing

• DSP Education

• Nonlinear Signals and Systems

• Information Forensics and Security

• Social Signal Processing & Affective Computing

• Signal and System Modelling

• Signal Processing of Financial Data

• VLSI Architectures and Implementations for DSP

The language of the Conference is English. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 4 pages for technical content including figures, tables, references and one optional 5th page containing references only). IEEE templates for the paper format, and “no show” policy do apply. Authors should indicate one or more of the above listed categories that best describe the topic of the paper, as well as their preference (if any) regarding lecture or poster presentation. Lecture and poster sessions are treated equally in terms of the review process. Submitted papers will be reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. In addition to the technical program, a social program will be offered to the participants and their companions. It will provide an opportunity to meet colleagues and friends against a backdrop of outstanding natural beauty and rich cultural heritage in one of the best-known international destinations.


Honorary Chair

Anthony G. Constantinides, UK


General Chair

Athanassios N. Skodras, GR


General Co-Chair

Fredric J. Harris, US


Constantinides Track Chair

Saeid Sanei, UK


Technical Program Chairs

Elias Aboutanios, AU

Irene Amerini, IT

Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz, PT


Plenary Sessions Chair

Enkelejda Kasneci, DE


Special Sessions Chairs

Maria Martini, UK

Adrian Munteanu, BE


Publicity Chair

Eva Gil San Antonio, FR


Publications Chair

Vassilis Fotopoulos, GR


Industrial Liaisons

Ioannis Katsavounidis, US 

George A. Lampropoulos, CA 

Mahsa Pourazad, CA

Andrea De Polo Saibanti, IT


Int. Program Committee

Mauro Barni, IT

Jan Cornelis, BE

Marek Domanski, PL

Tariq S. Durrani, UK

Touradj Ebrahimi, CH

George B. Giannakis, US

Gjergji Kasneci, DE

Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, US 

Kin K. Leung, UK

Patrick Naylor, UK 

Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, CA 

Wan-Chi Siu, HK

Tieniu Tan, CN

Andreas Uhl, AT

Abdelhak M. Zoubir, DE


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