3rd Workshop on Deployable AI at AAAI 2025



All attendees have to register for the workshop. Please check more details about AAAI 2025 workshop registration: https://aaai.org/conference/aaai/aaai-25/registration/.

There will be no proceedings for the venue. We will post the list of accepted papers on the workshop website

Important Dates:

Workshop Submissions Due to Organizers: November 22, 2024

Notifications Sent to Authors: December 9, 2024

Workshop to be held on March 3rd/4th, 2024

ReviewsThe review process will be double-blind. All submissions must be anonymized. Submissions that breach anonymity will be desk-rejected. We welcome volunteers who want to serve as a program committee member (reviewers) for Deployable AI Workshop 2025. If interested, please fill out the form 


1. Balaraman Ravindran(Senior member AAAI) Chair and main contact, ravi@dsai.iitm.ac.in, RBCDSAI, IIT Madras

2. Danish Pruthi, danishp@iisc.ac.in, Computational and Data Sciences, IISC Bangalore.

3. Aditi Raghunathan, raditi@cmu.edu, Computer Science Department, CMU

4. Krishna Pillutla, krishnap@dsai.iitm.ac.in, School of DSAI IIT Madras

5. Arpita Biswas arpita.biswas@live.in, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University

6. Aravindan Raghuveer araghuveer@google.com, Google Deepmind India.

Working Committee:

1.  Arun Rajkumar, arunr@dsai.iitm.ac.in, School of DSAI, IIT Madras.

2. Harish Guruprasad, hariguru@dsai.iitm.ac.in, School of DSAI, IIT Madras.

3. Chandrashekar Lakshminarayanan, chandrashekar@dsai.iitm.ac.in, School of DSAI, IIT Madras

4. Preksha Nema, preksh@google.com, Google Research India

5. Gokul S Krishnan, gokul@cerai.in, CeRAI, IIT Madras.

6. Devika Jay, devikajay@gmail.com, CeRAI, IIT Madras.

7. Rahul Vashisht rahul@cse.iitm.ac.in, PhD scholar, CSE, IIT Madras



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