Call for Articles: Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication

Please consider contributing to the Special Track on “Trans- and Inter-Disciplinary Research, Education, and/or Communication” to be held in the context of 16th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2025, which has been based in Orlando, Florida, USA, and will take place on March 25 – 28, 2025.

You should submit your abstract (300-600 words) at:

Accepted articles for which at least one author registered for the conference will be published in:

  1. The IMCIC 2025 proceedings (2000-6000 words), which has been indexed by SCOPUS since 2010.
  2. A special issue, or section, of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (2000-10000 words), indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals, considered a white-list), since 2003.

No charges, additional to the conference registration fee, will be required for 2.


January 28, 2025: Submission of Abstracts (300-600 words). It should be made via the web page which URL has been given above. Please do not send it by e-mail, or through the options provided on the conference website under the tab “Authors”.
February 14, 2025: Submission of the full papers (2000-6000 words, maximum 8 two-column pages) related to accepted abstracts.
February 28, 2025: Uploading of the final version of the paper through the conference website.

Expected deadline regarding the second publication is included in the more detailed Call for Articles and Reviewers for this special event, which has been posted at the URL given above.

Both synchronous and asynchronous virtual presentations are possible. Therefore, the authors who participate virtually in the conference have the option of:

  • Submitting a slide show and/or a pre-recorded video of their presentation (asynchronous presentation) or
  • Making their presentation via Zoom (synchronous presentation)

Additionally, each paper to be presented at the event, virtually or in-person, may be read and commented on, via electronic forums, and evaluated by those participants who have registered for the conference.

Keynote speakers will be selected from registered authors whose submissions are among the best according to their external reviewers. The identification of the best submissions will be based on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the reviewers and the percentage of reviewers recommending the acceptance of the submission as related to all the reviewers who made their respective reviews. For this reason, we recommend you to submit your paper early.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your contribution.


IMCIC-TIDREC 2025 Organizing Committee

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