CVPR Workshop on Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond 2025

We're happy to announce the seventh (!) edition of the Image Matching
Workshop, co-located as every year with CVPR 2025. Our goal is to
encourage and highlight novel strategies for image matching that deviate
from and advance traditional formulations, with a focus on large-scale,
wide-baseline matching for 3D reconstruction and pose estimation.

Please refer to the following links for more information:

– Workshop website:
– CMT website:

The workshop will once again feature an open challenge, which we expect
to announce soon.


We invite paper submissions up to 8 pages, excluding references and
acknowledgements. They should use the CVPR template (reviews are
double-blind, so please hide author data in the pdf) and be submitted to
the CMT site (linked above). Submissions must contain novel work and
will be indexed in IEEE Xplore/CVF. They will receive at least two
double-blind reviews.

We welcome PC self-nominations. If you’re willing to review for the
workshop, please reach out at


– Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2025.
– Notification to authors: April 1, 2025.
– Camera-ready deadline: April 4, 2025 (hard deadline on April 7).
– Workshop date: TBC (June 11 or 12, 2025).

Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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