CFP: Workshop on Workshop on Unmasking (Truly) Deepfakes located with IEEE CAI 2025: May 5-7, 2025 in Santa Clara, California, USA

IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI)

The IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI) is an international conference and exhibition with an emphasis on the applications of AI and key AI verticals that impact industrial technology applications and innovations. You’ll learn about new research and breakthroughs in the industry, gain insight into new start-ups and leading AI companies, grow your network, and get inspired by the brightest minds working in multi-faceted fields. Plan now to attend this highly anticipated spectacular event, taking place May 5-7, 2025, in Santa Clara, CA.

==== Workshop ====

CAI is a highly selective annual international conference that is organizing a workshop on the topic of deepfake detection. This is the first workshop in the field that aims to target deepfake of every possible modality, including text, audio, image, video, and document. We invite submissions for the workshop to explore, extend, and consolidate the interdisciplinary boundaries of this cutting-edge research direction.

==== Scope and Topics ====

The primary list of topics of interest includes, but not limited to:

  • Image/Video Deepfake Detection

  • Audio Deepfake Detection

  • Text Deepfake Detection

  • Document Deepfake Detection

  • Uni-Modal and Multi-Modal Approaches to Deepfake Generation and Detection

  • Document Liveness Detection

  • Novel and Fair Deepfake Datasets

  • Human Analysis in Detecting the Deepfakes

  • Fairness and Bias in Deepfake Detection

==== Submissions ====

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers of six pages. Submissions are in the IEEE conference template provided by the IEEE CAI. Submission will be selected for either oral or poster presentation based on the reviews. Accepted and presented regular six-page paper submissions will be included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Xplore after the conference.


Submission: March 10, 2025

Notification: March 25, 2025

Camera-Ready: March 31, 2025

Submission Link: (Select the workshop for the submission)

For more information about submissions, visit the workshop webpage under 

==== Organizing committee ====

Dr. Akshay Agarwal (

Dr. Ketan Kotwal (

Mr. Kartik Thakral (

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