Special Session on Deep Learning applied to Computer Vision, Healthcare and Robotics

SS01: Special Session on Deep Learning applied to Computer Vision, Healthcare and Robotics



This special session provides a platform for academics, developers, and industry related researchers belonging to the vast communities of Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Biometrics, Vision systems, Healthcare and Robotics, to discuss, share experience and explore traditional and new areas of the computer vision, machine and deep learning combined to solve a range of problems. The objective of the workshop is to integrate the growing international community of researchers working on the application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods in Vision, Health and Robotics to a fruitful discussion on the evolution and the benefits of this technology to the society.



·         Computational Intelligence methods

·         Machine Learning methods

·         Self-adaptation and self-organization

·         Robust computer vision algorithms (operation under variable conditions, object tracking, behavior analysis and learning, scene segmentation, …)

·         Extraction of Biometric Features (fingerprint, iris, face, voice, palm, gait)

·         Convolutional Neural Networks CNN 

·         Recurrent Neural Networks RNN

·         Deep Reinforcement Learning DRL

·         Hardware implementation and algorithms acceleration (GPUs, FPGAs)

·         Video and Image Processing

·         Video tracking

·         3D Scene reconstruction

·         3D Tracking in Virtual Reality Environments

·         3D Volume visualization

·         Intelligent Interfaces (User-friendly Man Machine Interface)

·         Multi-camera and RGB-D camera systems

·         Multi-modal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis

·         Gesture and posture analysis and recognition

·         Medical Imaging

·         Biometric Identification and Recognition

·         Extraction of Biometric Features (fingerprint, iris, face, voice, palm, gait)

·         Surveillance systems

·         Autonomous and Social Robots

·         Robotic vision

·         Industry 4.0

·         IoT and Cyber-physical Systems

Important dates

March 30, 2026

Submission of papers

April 22, 2025


May 14, 2025

Early registration

June 16-18, 2025

IWANN Conference



Please, submit your paper through the IWANN 2025 website by selecting the special session SS01: Deep Learning applied to Computer Vision, Healthcare and Robotics.


Enrique Dominguez

Universidad de Málaga

José García-Rodriguez

Universidad de Alicante

Ramón Moreno

Grupo Antolín Ingeniería


More information can be found at the conference website https://iwann.uma.es


Best regards,

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