the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) is excited to invite you to register and attend the upcoming hybrid (local/remote)
“Short Course on Deep Learning” by Prof. Ioannis Pitas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) which will take place in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, 13th July 2025.
This pre-symposium short course provides essential educational background for the AIDA AICET2025 Symposium and Summer School on “AI/ML Cutting Edge Trends” (July 14-18, 2025). However, participation in this short course is independent – attendees are not required to enroll in the full symposium and summer school.
This short course offers a good overview to all current progress in Deep Learning. It is ideal for persons (scientists, engineers, students, AI enthusiasts) interested in AI upskilling or reskilling. The only background knowledge needed is Mathematics (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory) that are included in any Science or Engineering Curriculum. Persons coming from other backgrounds, e.g., Medicine or Linguistics, can also benefit, if they have some mathematical knowledge.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Artificial Neural Networks. Perceptron
- Multilayer Perceptron. Backpropagation.
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Attention and Transformers Networks
- Large Language Models
- Generative Adversarial Networks in Multimedia Creation
- Generative AI and Diffusion Models
📅 Dates: July 13, 2025
📍 On-site: KEDEA Building, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece.
💻 Online: Zoom link will be provided in due time.
📜 Certificate of Attendance will be provided upon request.
🔗 Register to the Short Course on Deep Learning:
Also, you can register to the AIDA AICET2025:
👥 Group Registration: Group registrations (comprising 5 registrants or more) can enjoy a 20% discount on the above registration fees (or even more in the case of a massive group registration).
More information on the various lectures, registration options, background needed and general conditions can be found on the event webpage.
In case of questions, you can contact the course manager Ms. Efi Patmanidou
We're excited to have you join us for this thrilling Deep Learning course in the stunning city of Thessaloniki!
Best regards,
Prof. Ioannis Pitas (AIDA chair, AUTH, AICET2025 chair)
Post scriptum: To stay current on AIDA, AI, or CV/ML matters, you may want to register in the CVML email list, following instructions in: