The 50th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
October 14-16, 2025
+ Paper registration: April 20, 2025
+ Paper submission: April 27, 2025
+ Notifications: July 1, 2025
+ Camera ready: August 1, 2025
The IEEE LCN 2025 conference seeks papers presenting significant
research contributions in theoretical and practical aspects of computer
networking. LCN is a highly interactive conference that enables an
effective exchange of research outcomes and ideas among academics,
research students, and industry. For the past 49 years, major
developments from network protocols and sensor networks to AI-supported
networking and emerging areas like quantum networking have been reported
at this conference.
LCN welcomes submissions on wide range of computer networking research,
including but not limited to the following:
+ Adaptive networking applications
+ AI-enabled networking
+ Cognitive radio networks
+ Cross-layer optimization
+ Cyber-physical systems
+ Data center networking
+ Decentralized Systems and Blockchain Networks
+ Delay-tolerant networks
+ Digital Twins
+ Edge and Cloud computing
+ E-Health networking
+ Embedded networks
+ Green and sustainable networking
+ Information-centric networking
+ Internet of Things
+ Local area networks
+ Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI for networking
+ Machine-to-machine communications for smart environments
+ Mobile and ubiquitous networking
+ Mobility and Location-dependent services
+ Networking for Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality applications
+ Network coding
+ Network management, reliability and QoS
+ Network security and privacy
+ Network traffic characterization and measurements
+ Opportunistic networking
+ Optical and high-speed access networks
+ Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
+ Performance evaluation of networks
+ Personal and wearable networks
+ Quantum communication and networking
+ Routing and transport protocols
+ Satellite communication and networks
+ Smart Cities, Buildings and Districts
+ Smart Grid communications
+ Social networks
+ Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization
+ Test beds for network experiments
+ Underwater sensor networks
+ Vehicular networks
+ Wireless ad hoc & sensor networks
+ Semantic communication
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, previously
unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference,
workshop, or journal. The LCN Conference implements a double-blind
review process. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their
submissions, and they should not identify themselves either explicitly
or by implication. Papers must be registered on EDAS and submitted in
PDF format.
There are a number of tracks that are designed to improve interactions
of experts over different stages in research development.
-Full Regular papers (maximum 8 pages plus references, 10 pt font in
IEEE format) should present novel perspectives within the general scope
of the conference.
Regular paper submission link:
-Short papers (maximum 6 pages plus references, 10 pt font in IEEE
format) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results on
hot topics in a poster session.
Short paper submission link:
All papers are published in the IEEE LCN proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
All published papers must include title, complete contact information
for all authors, abstract, and keywords on the cover page. IEEE reserves
the right to remove papers from IEEE Xplore that are not presented at
the conference.
Detailed submission instructions are available at the conference
website. Direct your questions to Program Chairs: Kanchana Thilakarathna
and Gurkan Solmaz (
# Remote Presentation Option:
LCN considers in-person meetings indispensable for personal exchanges,
discussions, and networking opportunities. Recognizing the evolving
landscape of academic conferences and the need for flexibility, LCN
offers a Remote Presentation Option. Upon registration, authors have the
option to select physical or remote presentation modes. When opting for
remote presentation, a fee of 500 USD is required in addition to the
author registration. The additional fee for remote presentations may be
waived under specific conditions.
# LCN Awards:
LCN Awards will include a Best Paper Award, a Best Remote Presentation
Award, a limited number of Student Travel Grants, and N2Women Young
Researcher Fellowships.
Check out the invitation to IEEE LCN 2025 on the IEEE LCN YouTube
Please subscribe to the channel and turn on all modifications to receive
further updates in the channel, like LCN 2025 presentation recordings of
keynotes and best paper candidate talks.
Kind Regards,
LCN 2025 Organizing Committee