International Conference on Machine Intelligence for
GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing
Call for Papers
September 2 – 4, 2025 | POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE GRSS
MIGARS 2025 organizing committee warmly invites you to join the third edition of the Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing (MIGARS) conference at POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania, from 2 to 4 September 2025.
MIGARS 2025 explores the powerful intersection of machine intelligence, spatial analytics, and remote sensing technologies. With the tremendous advancements in data acquisition and sensing platforms, data streams in remote sensing have become too large in volume, variety, and veracity. The challenge is handling, processing, automating, and transforming complex geo-data from various sources, such as multi-platform sensors and Internet-of-Things devices, into clear, actionable insights for decision-making and monitoring our planet.
At its heart, MIGARS is committed to fostering collaboration and exploring the potential use of intelligent computational approaches for geo-data-based solutions that serve society at large. Its third edition will bring together researchers, experts, and practitioners across various disciplines, including artificial intelligence, remote sensing, geosciences, climate change and environmental research, and many more, dedicated to advancing geospatial technologies and their applications.
Prospective authors are invited to submit the manuscripts of their research work using the following link:
The papers are invited in the following topics (but not limited to):
Multispectral & hyperspectral remote sensing, Microwave remote sensing, LiDAR remote sensing, UAV-based remote sensing, Mission, Sensors, and Calibration, Big data applications for geosciences, Geospatial data analytics, Statistical machine learning, Deep learning, Expert systems, Computational intelligence, Evolutionary computing, Climate informatics, Data analysis and spatial data visualization, Temporal data analysis, prediction, time series analysis, Uncertainty quantification in geoscience and remote sensing, Monitoring and damage assessment of natural disasters and hazards, Applications for early warning, environmental monitoring and climate change, Applications for land, biodiversity and soil science, Applications for forestry and agriculture, Applications for water management, sea, oceans and atmosphere
Important Dates:
Paper Submission open: Feb 20, 2025
Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: May 25, 2025
Publication & Indexing: All the accepted and presented papers will be published in the proceedings of IEEE and will be uploaded to IEEE Xplore. Authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions to Special Issues to appear in IEEE GRSS journals.
For the latest updates, and paper submission instructions kindly visit: https://migars.upb.ro
Looking forward to welcoming you to Bucharest, Romania's capital – a cultural destination, economic hub, and fascinating architectural landscape where rich history and traditional flavors meet modern dynamism.
With Warm Regards,
MIGARS 2025 Organizing Committee