19th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2025): Fifth Call for Tools & Demos

*** Fifth Call for Tools & Demos ***

19th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2025)

September 15-19, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus

(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software
architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to
present and discuss the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the
field of software architecture research and practice. The 19th European Conference on Software
Architecture (ECSA 2025) will be held from September 15 to 19, 2025. ECSA 2025 is planned as
an in-person conference taking place in the beautiful city of Limassol (Cyprus).

The theme for ECSA 2025 is “impactful software architecture”. The software architecture
discipline has had a critical role in shaping robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. We are
interested in learning about software architecture principles and practices, emergence trends
and case studies highlighting strategic architectural choices that can lead to enhanced
performance, improved collaboration, and long-term sustainability. The overarching question is
how these architectural principles and practices, both well-established and emerging, are
making an impact in real-world systems, and how that impact is being felt across various
domains, from enterprise systems to more novel areas like, e.g., AI-driven or autonomous

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Foundational principles of software architecture
Relationship of requirements engineering and software architecture
Quality attributes and software architectures
Architecture practices for secure, explainable, and trustworthy software
Architecture design and analysis
Architecture description languages and meta-models
Architecture verification and validation
Management of architectural knowledge, decisions, and rationale
Architecture patterns, styles, and tactics; reference architectures
Architecture viewpoints and views
Architecture conformance
Software architecture virtualization and visualization
Architecture-centric process models and frameworks
Software architecture and agile, incremental, iterative, and continuous development
Component-based models and deployment; middleware
Software architecture and system architecture
Software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering
Ethics, cultural, economic, business, social, human, and managerial aspects of software
Architecture and technical debt
Architecting for sustainable and environment friendly systems
Applying AI and LLMs in software architecture and architecting for AI and LLM intensive
Software architecture education
Cross-disciplinary approaches to software architecture
Architectures for reconfigurable and self-adaptive systems
Architectural concerns of autonomic systems
Software architecture applied to new and emerging areas, such as the cloud/edge, big data,
blockchain, cyber-physical systems, IoT, autonomous systems, systems-of-systems, energy-
aware software, quantum computing, AI-enabled systems
Empirical studies, systematic literature reviews, and mapping studies in software architecture
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in activities related to software architecture

The Tools and Demonstrations (Tools & Demos) Track provides an opportunity for both
researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, ideas,
experiences, and challenges in the field of Software Architecture by means of Tools & Demos

Tools & Demos papers are intended to address any aspect of: (i) tool support for software
architectures, or (ii) demonstrate results about the application of architectural approaches.
Papers submitted to this track can belong to two distinct categories:
Tool papers: These papers deal with the development and evaluation of tools to support
software architecture. They may present new tools, extensions to existing tools, or evaluations
of the effectiveness of tools. The aim is to provide a platform for the exchange of innovative
tools and techniques that help design, implement and analyze software architectures.
Demo papers: These papers will demonstrate concepts, techniques or systems related to
software architectures. The focus is on presenting practical applications and implementations
of architectural approaches. Demo papers may include live demonstrations, prototypes or
simulations that emphasize the benefits and potential of specific architecture solutions.

Both Tool Papers and Demo Papers contribute to the advancement of the field by providing
insights, experiences and practical solutions related to software architectures. Tools and
Demos should not be used as a means for commercial advertisement.

We will strive to keep ECSA’s tradition to select the Best Tools & Demo Paper, awarded during
the conference. The selection of the best tool and demo paper will be made based on the votes
of the attendants of the conference.

Submissions of Tools & Demos papers should describe the work, how it relates to other
industrial or research efforts, including references, what the expected benefits are, a video of
the tool or demo (if one exists), and the web-page and/or open-source repository for the tool
(if one exists). All submissions must conform to the LNCS template and must not exceed 8

Tools & Demos submissions should provide a link to a video, with audio commentary, of a
maximum of ten minutes in length, with high resolution (e.g., details of the tool’s functionality
should be clearly visible). The video must be uploaded on a server (e.g., YouTube, Google
Drive, Dropbox), and the link must be included in the submission for its evaluation (as a
footnote on the first page of the submission or as links after the abstract of the submission).
In addition, it is possible to provide open material, e.g., source code and/or a running instance
of the tool. The links to the video and (if applicable) the additional material should be included
in the contribution after the abstract and before the introduction sections.

Paper submissions must be made electronically via the online EasyChair submission site for the
ECSA 2024 conference, selecting the “Tools & Demos Track”:

The selection criteria of Tools & Demos papers will consider their originality, relevance for the
ECSA audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality. Each submission will be
evaluated by at least two PC members, in a single-step review process.

The accepted papers will be included in the ECSA 2025 companion volume to be published in Springer LNCS series.

Abstract submission: May 16, 2025
Paper submission: May 23, 2025
Notification: June 20, 2025
Camera-ready paper: June 27, 2025

Early/Author registration for all accepted contributions: June 27, 2025

All dates are 23:59h AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

General Chairs
Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Groeningen, The Netherlands

Tools & Demos Co-Chairs
Mohamed Soliman, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn University, Germany
Use Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria

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