MSc in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience — 2021-22 applications now OPEN

The MSc in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience programme at Goldsmiths, University of London (UK) is now accepting application for part-time and full-time studies in 2021-22.

This cutting-edge Masters course, a combined effort of the Computing and Psychology Departments, builds on the multi-disciplinary and strong research profiles of our staff. It equips students with a solid theoretical basis and knowledge of experimental methods in computational cognitive neuroscience, providing them also with an opportunity to consolidate their skills in a practical research project, possibly carried out in collaboration with a partner from industry.

Applications for the 2021-22 Academic Year are now open. To submit an online application (free of any costs), click on this link and follow the instructions:

NOTE: places on this course are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

This is a one-year (full-time) or two-years (part-time) MSc degree programme, consisting of taught courses (120 credits) plus research project and dissertation (60 credits). (Note: students who need a Tier-4 VISA to study in the UK can only register for the full-time pathway). It is designed for students with a good degree in the biological / 

Ph.D. Daniela López De Luise
CI2S lab director
IDTI lab director
Argentina Scientific Society – DCI
National Academy of Sciences Bs.As.- CETI

IEEE CIS Argentina Secretary/Threasurer
IEEE CIS-Games Technical Committee  
IEEE CIS-WCI Committee

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