The first workshop on Online Learning for Uncertain Data Streams (OLUD 2022) within IEEE WCCI 2022

 #EXTENDED #DEADLINE – The first workshop on Online Learning for Uncertain Data Streams  (OLUD 2022) within IEEE WCCI 2022




2022 The first workshop on Online Learning for Uncertain Data Streams  (OLUD 2022)


Padua, Italy, 18 July, 2022


OLUD workshop intends to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion on recent advancements in state-of-the-art online learning and pattern recognition methods, dealing with uncertainty,  as well as their use in applied domains.

Nowadays, applications in various domains (computer science, engineering, medicine, economy, etc.) are based on sensor data or depend on data transmission in the cloud. Effective modeling approaches to address such a massive amount of dynamically-changing data in a feasible period of time are of utmost importance. Traditional modeling approaches for static datasets are very often insufficient or ineffective for online data streams due to the fact that fast recursive procedures are required to attend to narrow time and memory constraints. Models must be updated (parametrically and structurally) to many types of changes of the data sources. Moreover, data streams may carry statistical, possibilistic and fuzzy uncertainties that arise in specific technical and contextual domains, which need to be adequately addressed. Finally, explainable models are needed in several domains in which the final users are non-technicians. Thus, new methods to linguistically explain the reasoning behind the outcomes of a model are needed in order to trust and understand predictions. Online Learning from Uncertain Data Streams (OLUD) workshop addresses the uncertainty and online learning, leaving room to several open questions: 

(i) how explainability can be handled in online learning? 

(ii) how uncertainty can improve online learning? 

(iii) how hybrid methods could be combined to exploit their benefits for online learning?


The workshop aims at bringing together theorists and practitioners who apply (online) soft computing methods for sequential (and uncertain) data analysis to exchange and discuss ideas that enrich traditional approaches, e.g., computational methods for static datasets. The workshop gets together experts from different research communities including (but not limited to):

-incremental learning from stream data,

– soft methods for stream data,

– fuzzy statistics, 

– recursive processing of Big data, 

– uncertainty modeling, 

– evolving neural and neuro-fuzzy networks.


·       Authors and Title submission: June 1, 2022

·       Paper submission: June 15,2022

·       Notification of acceptance: June 22, 2022

·       Final paper submission: June 29, 2022

·       Workshop date: July 18, 2022


There are two types of publications related to the WCCI OLUD Workshop: 

·       Position paper (ideas and research highlights):  New  research  directions,  opinions,  position  talks:  promising  or interesting work that does not fit the standards for conventional publication. The length of a submission is 5-9 pages A shorter-length time slot will be allowed for the presentation, with more room for the subsequent discussion.

·       Regular paper: Current,  unpublished work that is being presented for the first time. The length of a submission is at least 10 pages  A standard-length time slot will be allowed for the presentation as well as for a subsequent discussion

The paper must be written in English and submitted in PDF via the EasyChair system  ( ), Authors are required to use a uniform style for the papers. The Ceurart styles. We encourage authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.


All papers submitted to OLUD workshop will be reviewed by independent reviewers, and upon acceptance will be submitted to CEUR Workshop Proceedings for publication,  under a CC-BY 4.0 license ( This means that proceedings will be free of charge, as well as of author publication charges, will be open-access, and copyright will be retained by authors.  CEUR-WS proceedings are usually indexed in Scopus.

Post-workshop special issue in a well-reputed journal (details TBA) inviting extensions of accepted papers will be announced. 


To attend the workshop, it is required to register for the main WCCI event ( )

Each regular registration to the main WCCI event covers a maximum of two papers at the main event, plus a maximum of two papers at workshops.


Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK 


·       Gabriella Casalino, University of Bari, Italy

·       Giovanna Castellano, University of Bari, Italy

·       Katarzyna Kaczmarek-Majer, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 

·       Daniel Leite, Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Brazil


·       Sašo Blažič  (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

·       Przemysław Grzegorzewski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)

·       Leandro Maciel (University of São Paulo, Brazil) 

·       Corrado Mencar (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)

·       Zied Mnasri (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia)

·       Daniel Peralta (Ghent University, Belgium)

·       Mahardika Pratama (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

·       Sławomir Zadrożny (University of Warsaw, Poland)

·       Choiru Za'in (Monash University, Australia)

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