ISPACS2022 | 22 – 25 November 2022 | Scopus and EI indexed @Penang, Malaysia


The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2022)

22-25 November 2022 @ Penang, Malaysia.


ISPACS2022 aims to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience in intelligent signal processing and communication systems. 

All accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore digital library covered by Scopus and EI indexing.


Papers for ISPACS 2022 are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:

·         Information Theory

·         Wideband and Massive MIMO

·         Audio/Speech Processing

·         Image/Video Processing

·         Visible Light Communication

·         Internet of Things

·         Software Defined Networks

·         Digital Signal Processors

·         Sensors and Devices

·         Intelligent Instrumentations

·         Smart Devices

·         Wearable Electronics

·         Video and Multimedia Technology

·         Wireless Systems

·         Cloud Computing

·         Machine Learning


There are 9 special sessions to be held as below:

  ·         Advanced Topics on Multimedia Security and Applications

  ·         Applications of Machine Learning in Simulations in Engineering

  ·         Digital Pathology (Histopathological Image Analysis)

  ·         Innovative Applications for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

  ·         Intelligent Fault Diagnostics Techniques Based on Visual Perception

  ·         Representation Learning and Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision

  ·         Signal Processing and Wireless Communication Technologies in 5G and 6G

  ·         Smart Electronics and Smart Systems

  ·         Visual Attributes for Smart Applications (VASA)


Important Dates:

·         Special session proposals submission : 15 June, 2022

·         Paper submission : 1 August, 2022

·         Notification of acceptance : 1 September, 2022

·         Submission of camera-ready full papers : 20 September, 2022

·         Early bird registration deadline : 1 October, 2022

·         Conference : 22-25 November, 2022


Submission Link: 

Please find the CFP attached.


Thank You & Best Wishes

ISPACS 2022 Committee

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