On Public Policy Engineering, Computational Public Policy, Political Engineering, and Computational Politics
By Ashu M. G. Solo
Ashu M. G. Solo originated the new interdisciplinary fields of “political engineering,” “computational politics,” “public policy engineering,” and “computational public policy” in a research paper in 2011 and followed this up with more research papers describing political engineering, computational politics, public policy engineering, and computational public policy.
It's important to distinguish between politics and public policy:
The term “political engineering” had been previously used to describe the design of political institutions, but this was a misuse of the term “engineering” because it required no engineering.
Public policy engineering as defined by Ashu M. G. Solo is the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, or natural science to solving problems in public policy. Computational public policy as defined by Ashu M. G. Solo is the application of computer science or mathematics to solving problems in public policy. Public policy engineering and computational public policy include, but are not limited to, principles and methods for public policy formulation, decision making, analysis, modeling, optimization, forecasting, and simulation.
Political engineering as defined by Ashu M. G. Solo is the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, or natural science to solving problems in politics. Computational politics as defined by Ashu M. G. Solo is the application of computer science or mathematics to solving problems in politics. Political engineering and computational politics include, but are not limited to, principles and methods for political decision making, analysis, modeling, optimization, forecasting, simulation, and expression.
Ashu M. G. Solo saw the need to originate new fields on the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and natural science to solving problems in public policy after seeing that legislators usually determine spending priorities and budget allocations based on passions of the moment, special interest lobbying, parochial interests, ignorant public opinion, or their own ideological biases rather than on a rigorous mathematical and computational analysis of how spending priorities and budget allocations can be made for the greatest public benefit.
Ashu M. G. Solo saw the need to originate new fields on the application of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and natural science to solving problems in politics after seeing that many politicians often determine how to spend limited campaign funds on advertising in certain geographic areas based on their best guesses rather than on a rigorous mathematical and computational analysis of how funds should be allocated for the greatest benefit to their campaigns.
Ashu M. G. Solo originated political engineering, computational politics, public policy engineering, and computational public policy in this research paper in 2011:
Ashu M. G. Solo [2011], “The New Fields of Public Policy Engineering, Political Engineering, Computational Public Policy, and Computational Politics,” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'11), Las Vegas, July 18-21, 2011, CSREA Press, pp. 431-434.
URL: http://worldcomp-proceedings.com/proc/p2011/EEE5211.pdf
Ashu M. G. Solo followed up this research paper with other research papers describing the new interdisciplinary fields of political engineering, computational politics, public policy engineering, and computational public policy. Here are three of them:
Ashu M. G. Solo [2014], “The New Interdisciplinary Fields of Political Engineering and Computational Politics,” Political Campaigning in the Information Age, Solo, A. M. G., editor, IGI Global, pp. 226-232.
Ashu M. G. Solo [2014], “The New Interdisciplinary Fields of Public Policy Engineering and Computational Public Policy,” Political Campaigning in the Information Age, Solo, A. M. G., editor, IGI Global, pp. 233-238.
Ashu M. G. Solo [2019], “The Interdisciplinary Fields of Political Engineering, Public Policy Engineering, Computational Politics, and Computational Public Policy,” Handbook of Research on Politics in the Computer Age, Solo, A. M. G., editor, IGI Global, pp. 1-16.
Here are definitions by Ashu M. G. Solo on computational politics, computational public policy, political engineering, and public policy engineering for the InfoSci-Dicionary:
Ashu M. G. Solo [2020], definition of public policy engineering, InfoSci-Dictionary, IGI Global.
Ashu M. G. Solo [2020], definition of political engineering, InfoSci-Dictionary, IGI Global.
Ashu M. G. Solo [2020], definition of computational public policy, InfoSci-Dictionary, IGI Global.
Ashu M. G. Solo [2020], definition of computational politics, InfoSci-Dictionary, IGI Global.
Follow these webpages created by Ashu M. G. Solo on computational politics, computational public policy, political engineering, and public policy engineering:
Ashu M. G. Solo, “Political and Public Policy Engineering and Computational Politics and Public Policy,”
URL: https://pe-ppe-cp-cpp.blogspot.com/
Ashu M. G. Solo, “Research on Public Policy Engineering, Political Engineering, Computational Public Policy, and Computational Politics,” URL:
Ashu M. G. Solo, “Political and Public Policy Engineering,”
URL: https://www.facebook.com/Political-and-Public-Policy-Engineering-952908691520425/
Ashu M. G. Solo, “Computational Politics and Computational Public Policy,”
URL: https://www.facebook.com/Computational-Politics-and-Computational-Public-Policy-467834106930977/
Also, Ashu M. G. Solo wrote many research papers describing research within the domain of political engineering, computational politics, public policy engineering, and computational public policy. Here are four of them:
Ashu M. G. Solo [2012], “Warren, McCain, and Obama Needed Fuzzy Sets at a Presidential Forum,” Special Issue on Real Life Applications of Fuzzy Logic, Advances in Fuzzy Systems, Hindawi.
URL: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/afs/2012/319718/
Ashu M. G. Solo [2012], “Fuzzy Sets for Defining 'Rich' at a Presidential Forum,” Proceedings of the International Conference on 2012 Information Society (i-Society 2012), London, June 25-28, 2012, IEEE Press, pp. 484-485.
URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6285027
Ashu M. G. Solo [2016], “Interval Type-Two Fuzzy Sets for Defining ‘Rich’ at a Presidential Forum,” Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, July 25-28, 2016, CSREA Press, pp. 181-182.
URL: http://www.worldcomp-proceedings.com/proc/proc2016/EEE16_Final_Edition/EEE16_Papers.pdf
Ashu M. G. Solo [2019], “Type-One and Interval Type-Two Fuzzy Logic for Quantitatively Defining Imprecise Linguistic Terms in Politics and Public Policy,” Handbook of Research on Politics in the Computer Age, Solo, A. M. G., editor, IGI Global, pp. 17-44.