CAiSE’24 Ph.D. Award: First Call for Applications

36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering

June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus

(*** Submission Deadline: 1st March, 2024 AoE ***)

The deadline to apply for the CAiSE 2024 PhD Award is March 1st 2024. The conditions to
apply are:
• having participated as an author in a previous CAiSE Doctoral Consortium or at a main
CAiSE Event: either the main conference, the CAiSE Forum, EMMSAD, or BPMDS;
• having successfully defended the PhD thesis in the last two years (i.e., since January 2022).

The application must be submitted electronically to the PhD Awards track of CAiSE 2024 via
EasyChair <> . The application must be
a single PDF file containing:
• a short cover letter that includes the list of PhD committee members,
• a support letter from the thesis advisor,
• the candidate's defended PhD thesis,
• the candidate’s CV.
About the PhD Award

The CAiSE PhD Award 2024 is granted annually to an outstanding recent PhD thesis in the
field of Information Systems Engineering.

The award is co-sponsored by the CAiSE Steering Committee and Springer. It consists of a
certificate, free full registration (5 days) to the next two editions of the CAiSE conference,
and a book voucher for a free selection worth EUR 500 from Springer’s printed books
collection. In addition, the selected thesis will be recommended for publication as a
monograph in the LNBIP series published by Springer, provided that Springer’s publication
conditions are met.

The PhD theses submitted for the award will be reviewed by a standing committee of senior
members selected from the CAiSE Advisory Committee, the CAiSE Steering Committee, and
the CAiSE Program Committee.
Award Chair

Professor Andreas L Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway
Key Dates

• Submission of application: 1st March, 2024 (AoE)
• Notification: 15th April, 2024
Past Recipents

• 2023: Anna Bernasconi, PhD from Politecninco Milano (Italy), thesis title “Model, Integrate,
Search… Repeat: a Sound Approach to Building Integrated Repositories of Genomic Data”
(link to the forthcoming monograph:

• 2022:  Volodymyr Leno, PhD from University of Melbourne (Australia), thesis title 
“Robotic Process Mining: Accelerating the adoption of Robotic Process Automation”
(link to the thesis:

• 2021: Orlenys Lopez Pintado, PhD from University of Tartu (Estonia), thesis title
“Collaborative Business Process Execution on the Block Chain: the Caterpillar System”
(link to the thesis:
• 2020: Steven Mertens, PhD from Ghent University (Belgium), thesis title “Enabling process
management for loosely framed knowledge-intensive processes”
(link to the published monograph:

• 2019: Giovanni Meroni, PhD from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), thesis title “Artifact-driven
business process monitoring”
(link to the published monograph:

• 2018: Wei Wang, PhD from University of Queensland (Australia) thesis title “Integrated
Modeling of Business Processes and Business Rules”
(link to the published monograph:

• 2017: Marcela Ruiz, PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), thesis title
“TraceME: A Traceability-Based Method for Conceptual Model Evolution”
(link to the published monograph:

• 2016: Le Minh Sang Tran, PhD from University of Trento (Italy), thesis title “Managing the
Uncertainty of the Evolution of Requirements Models”
(testimony of the 2016 CAiSE PhD Award winner:

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