CFP: IEEE LCN Demo and Special Tracks

Call for Demos
Demo Track of the 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE
LCN 2024)

Caen, Normandy, France, October 8-10, 2024

# Scope
IEEE LCN 2024 will feature a demo session with the aim of providing
demonstrations that validate important research issues and/or show
innovative prototypes. Authors are invited to submit technical
demonstrations (no more than 3 pages) showing innovative and original
research. The authors are encouraged to highlight the research component
of the demo and explicitly mention the novelty of the showcased
technology/solution. The proposal should include one page that describes
what conference participants will be able to see or experience during
the demonstration. IEEE LCN is looking for demonstrations in all topics
covered by the main conference and/or special tracks held in conjunction
with LCN 2024. Research prototypes as well as commercial products are

All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE LCN 2024 proceedings.

## Demo Submission
Demo papers (no more than 3 pages, including references) must be
submitted via EDAS to the LCN Demo Track:

All paper titles must have the prefix “Demo:” (both in the EDAS
submission and the paper PDF); i.e., a title for the demo paper must be
in the following form — “Demo: <PaperTitle>”.

Papers must be submitted electronically to EDAS in PDF format, US-Letter
size (not A4), with all fonts embedded (the PDF-A standard meets this
requirement). Please format your submission using the IEEE templates
found at

Demonstrations will be selected based on their merits and expected
interest from the LCN attendance. All demo papers will be reviewed by
the technical program committee members via the EDAS reviews. The
reviews will be provided to the authors along with the notification.

Accepted papers will be allowed to add one more page for the
camera-ready version. This would allow the accepted paper authors to
address the reviewer comment. There can be no more than 4 pages in total
for the camera-ready version, including references.

## Demo Presentation
  All accepted demo papers shall be presented. The presentation will be
organized in a parallel session dedicated to face-to-face demo. Demo
presenters will have the opportunity to perform live demos while also
answering questions from the audience. In addition, authors of accepted
demos will also be asked to record a video, which will be made available
for attendees during the conference, to best showcase their demo.

A best demo award will be awarded to the demo with the most votes from
the audience.

## Important Dates (tentative)
Demo Abstract submission deadline: June 2, 2024
Acceptance Notification: June 23, 2024
Final camera ready: July 14, 2024

## Registration for Demos
For conference registration, a demo is regarded as a paper, i.e.,
* demo presenters with no accepted conference or symposium papers must
   “demo-author registration” when registering for the conference
* demo presenters with accepted LCN or symposium papers incur no extra
   for a demo. The conference registration will cover their demo.

For each accepted demo, at least one author is required to register for
the LCN 2024 main conference and present their demo at the scheduled
demo session(s). The registration category must cover the presence of
the author at the demo session.

Please feel free to contact the demo chair if you have any questions
regarding the demo content or setup.

Demo Chair: Matthias Wübbeling <>

Call for Special Tracks
Special Tracks of the 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(IEEE LCN 2024)
Special track submission deadline: June 1, 2024

LCN Special Tracks:
6GQ: IEEE LCN 2024 Special Track on Postquantum Cryptography and Quantum
Communication for 6G Networks

ASDRoNet: 1st IEEE LCN Special Track on Algorithmic Solutions for Drone-
and Robot-based Networks (ASDRoNet) 2024

DRIN: IEEE LCN Special Track on DevSecOps in Resource-Constrained IoT

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