Invitation to Submit Late-Breaking Abstracts for AIiH 2024

I am excited to introduce you to the first International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AIiH 2024), which will take place in Swansea, United Kingdom, from September 4th to September 6th, 2024. This premier conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners dedicated to enhancing healthcare through the use of modern artificial intelligence .
AIiH 2024 is now welcoming late-breaking short abstract submissions. These submissions can be included as either poster presentations or short spotlight presentations at the conference. This opportunity allows for the rapid dissemination of promising preliminary findings and encourages attendance from a broader audience, including early career researchers, healthcare professionals, and industrial practitioners.
All submitted abstracts will be archived on the AIiH website. For more information on the abstract submission process and to submit your work, please visit .
We look forward to receiving your innovative contributions and hope to see you at AIiH 2024.
Dr. Daniele Cafolla [he/him/dr]

Lecturer | Darlithydd

Robotics & Artificial Intelligence | Roboteg a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial

IEEE Senior Member |  IEEE Uwch Aelod


Swansea University | Prifysgol Abertawe

Computational Foundry | Y Ffowndri Gyfrifiadol

Bay Campus | Campws y Bae

Fabian Way | Ffordd

Swansea | Abertawe

SA1 8EN | SA1 8EN


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