Call for Chapters for a new Book entitled: Artificial Intelligence in Social Science and Humanities, and Health: A Path Towards Trustworthy AI and Human-AI Symbiosis

I am pleased to inform you of a call for papers for a forthcoming book I am editing with Bentham Scientific Publishing, entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Social Science and Humanities, and Health: A Path Towards Trustworthy AI and Human-AI Symbiosis.” I cordially invite you to submit your suggestions for contributions to this volume.

You will find the submission link in the attached Call for Contributions (CfC). To assist you in preparing your submissions, an initial tentative Table of Contents is provided below.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your valuable contributions.

Best regards,

Nicholas Vretos
Computer Scientist, Ph.D.
Research Fellow | The Visual Computing Lab | 
ITI -Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

The Visual Computing Lab
Information Technologies Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas 
6th Km Charilaou – Thermi Road, Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece, GR57001 (PO Box 60361)
+30 2310 464160 (ext 133)

 Skype: nicholas1278

Table of Contents




  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence
  • The Intersection of AI, Social Science, Humanities, and Health
  • Importance of Trustworthy AI and Human-AI Symbiosis

Part I: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

  1. Chapter 1: History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
  2. Chapter 2: Key Concepts and Techniques in AI
  3. Chapter 3: Ethical Considerations in AI Research and Development

Part II: Applications of AI in Social Science and Humanities

4. Chapter 4: AI in Social Science Research

·       4.1: Natural Language Processing for Social Science Analysis

·       4.2: AI and Behavioral Science

·       4.3: AI for Cultural and Literary Analysis

  1. Chapter 5: AI in Humanities Research

·       5.1: AI and Artistic Creativity

·       5.2: AI in Historical Research

·       5.3: AI and Linguistics

Part III: AI in Health Sciences

6. Chapter 6: AI in Healthcare Delivery

  • 6.1: AI in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
  • 6.2: AI Applications in Public Health
  • 6.3: AI and Personalized Medicine
  1. Chapter 7: Ethical and Social Implications of AI in Healthcare

Part IV: Towards Trustworthy AI and Human-AI Symbiosis

8. Chapter 8: Ensuring Trustworthiness in AI Systems

  • 8.1: Transparency and Explainability in AI
  • 8.2: Fairness and Bias Mitigation in AI
  • 8.3: Robustness and Security in AI Systems
  1. Chapter 9: Human-AI Collaboration and Symbiosis
  • 9.1: Enhancing Human-AI Interaction
  • 9.2: Challenges and Opportunities in Human-AI Symbiosis
  • 9.3: Future Directions in Human-AI Collaboration



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