Call for Submissions: ACM Multimedia Asia 2024, 3rd – 6th December, Auckland, New Zealand

Call for Submissions: ACM Multimedia Asia 2024, 3rd – 6th December, Auckland, New Zealand


ACM Multimedia Asia 2024, for the first time to bring the multimedia community to the most eastern country in the southern hemisphere, invites submission of research papers presenting novel theoretical and algorithmic solutions addressing problems across the domain of multimedia and related applications. The conference also encourages visionary papers on new and emerging topics; papers presenting novel ideas with promising (preliminary) results in realising these ideas; application-oriented papers that make innovative technical contributions to various aspect of the society.


Key dates:

Workshop/Grand Challenge Proposal Submission: 28 Jun 2024

Regular Paper Submission: 19 Jul 2024

Short/Demo Paper Submission: 02 Aug 2024

Tutorial Proposal Submission: 23 Aug 2024

Paper Acceptance Notification: 20 Sep 2024

Workshop Paper Submission: 27 Sep 2024


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Multimedia and Vision

Multimodal Analysis, Description, and Generation

Deep Learning for Multimedia

Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia

Multimedia Search and Recommendation

Social Multimedia and Mobile Multimedia

Multimedia HCI and Quality of Experience

Multimedia Art, and Entertainment

Music and Audio Processing in Multimedia

Multimedia Systems, Transport, and Delivery

Multimedia for Education

Multimedia for Virtual/Augmented Reality

Multimedia for Social Goods

Multimedia for Culture and Heritage

Highlights of ACM Multimedia Asia 2024

Auckland, New Zealand: Ranked the worlds 1st most liveable city, in the top 10 of the happies cities, home to over 200 different ethnic communities, media innovation, and numerous unique attractions such as Hobbiton movie set from Lord of the Rings.

Opportunities for Extension into Journal Publications: Top ranked papers will be invited to be extended for journals such as Multimedia Systems.

Multimedia for Culture and Heritage: a special session on Multimedia for Culture and Heritage to recognise high quality research that showcases the benefit of multimedia research to the culture and heritage of the society.

Inspiration from Collaborations: to encourage novel ideas from industry and government partners to identify emerging topics in real world. applications. We plan to bring together local industry such as Weta Digital and related academic societies such as computer vision communities and artificial intelligence communities in New Zealand.

Multi-site PhD Schools: to encourage student participation and nurture the next generation of Multimedia researchers, in addition to the on-site PhD school, several 3 remote PhD schools will be planned. With the support of SIGMM on PhD school, we plan to call for PhD school partnerships. PhD schools will feature keynote presentations, student presentations, and student mentoring.


Look forward to receiving your submissions!


Publicity Chairs

ACM Multimedia Asia 2024


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