1st International Workshop on Responsible AI (RAI) for Healthcare and Net Zero

1st International Workshop on Responsible AI (RAI) for Healthcare and Net Zero

We are delighted to announce the 1st International Workshop on Responsible AI for Healthcare and Net Zero, jointly organised by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Madras, India, and the University of Hull, UK. This event will take place at IIT Madras, Chennai, India, on October 16th and 17th, 2024.

Workshop Themes:

  • Day 1: Responsible AI for Healthcare (16th October 2024)

  • Day 2: Responsible AI for Net Zero (17th October 2024)

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 15th August, 2024

  • Notification of Acceptance: 1st September, 2024

  • Workshop Date: October 16-17, October 2024

Motivation and Objectives:

Responsible AI efforts have been criticised for being 'Western-focused' and disregarding the unique contexts of developing and underdeveloped countries. This inaugural international workshop aims to address these imbalances by convening researchers from around the world to discuss, debate, and present cutting-edge research in this growing area of study. The workshop's primary goal is to enhance the understanding and implementation of Responsible AI in the fields of Healthcare and Net Zero. The objectives are to share leading research, deliberate on responsible AI frameworks, and promote collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

Topics of Interest:

  1. International Perspectives on Responsible AI.

  2. Case Studies from Developed, Developing and Under-Developed Countries.

  3. Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration.

  4. Policy and Regulation.

  5. Sustainability of AI Solutions.

  6. Future of AI in Global Health and Environmental Challenges.

  7. Stakeholder Engagement and Public Trust.

  8. Responsible AI for Net Zero.

Submission Categories:

  • Research and application papers: Submissions should focus on presenting original research, case studies or novel implementations in the topics relevant to the workshop (see topics section). These papers will also be considered for posters. Maximum 8 pages in IEEE paper format.

  • Position paper: Authors are encouraged to submit papers discussing critical and thought-provoking scientific community topics. These papers will also be considered for posters. The papers must be a maximum of 4 pages in IEEE paper format.  

  • We also welcome attendance at the workshop without any publications. Registration details will be announced soon. 

Workshop Organisers (Conference chairs): Professor Dhaval Thakker, University of Hull, UKProfessor Balaraman Ravindran, IIT-Madras, India; Dr Koorosh Aslansefat, University of Hull, UK; Dr Satyanarayanan Seshadri, IIT-Madras, India; Professor Kevin Pimbblet, University of Hull, UK

Track chairs (Responsible AI for Healthcare): Dr Will Jones, University of Hull, UK; Dr Gokul S Krishnan, IIT-Madras, India

Track chairs (Responsible AI for Net Zero): Professor Nishikant Mishra , University of Hull, UK

Web and Publicity Chair: Dr Rameez Kureshi, University of Hull, UK; Mr Jevon Westcarr, University of Hull, UK

Local Coordination Chairs: Dr Bhupesh Mishra, Lecturer, University of Hull, UK; Dr. Devika Jay, IIT Madras

Why Attend?

This workshop provides a unique platform to share cutting-edge research, discuss responsible AI frameworks, and foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Engage with healthcare professionals, AI researchers, developers, students, environmental scientists, engineers, and policymakers worldwide.

For more details and submission guidelines, please visit the workshop website (https://www.responsibleaihull.com/events/responsibleai-chennai)

We look forward to your contribution.

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Co-organised by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India and the University of Hull, United Kingdom


Rahul Vashisht
Ph.D. Scholar
CSE IIT Madras
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