IROS 2024 Workshop: Standing the Test of Time Retrospective and Future of World Representations for Lifelong Robotics

We are happy to welcome contributions to our IROS 2024 workshop: “Standing the Test of Time Retrospective and Future of World Representations for Lifelong Robotics”. The workshop will take place on October 14th from 1:30pm to 5:30pm in Room 17.
This workshop will explore the evolution of mapping and world modeling techniques in mobile robotics. We aim to bring together leading researchers to discuss approaches that have stood the test of time, as well as the latest advances in deep learning-based representations. Key topics will include:
Lessons from previous eras of research that are still relevant today
Tradeoffs and challenges presented by newer learning-based techniques
Examples of state-of-the-art approaches for robotic mapping and modeling
The frontier of challenges as these systems are deployed in more complex environments
We welcome submissions of original research papers related to any aspect of world representations, mapping, and lifelong autonomy. Please submit your paper here ( ) by the deadline of September 1, 2024
We look forward to an engaging and insightful workshop at IROS 2024.
Important deadlines (subject to change)
Submission Deadline: Sunday, Sept 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM EDT
Reviews due: Friday, Sep 20, 2024, by 11:59 PM EDT
Acceptance Notification: Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024
Camera-ready submission: Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, by 11:59 PM EDT
Workshop: Monday, October 14, 2024
Location: Room 17, more info to come!
Best regards,
Miguel Saavedra Ruiz, University of Montreal
Pierre-Yves Lajoie, University of Montreal
Samer Nashed, University of Montreal
Victor Romero-Cano, Cardiff University
Liam Paull, University of Montreal
Malika Meghjani, Singapore University of Tech. & Design
John Leonard, MIT


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