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The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference is the
premier requirements engineering (RE) conference, where researchers,
practitioners, students and educators meet, present and discuss the most
recent innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of RE.
RE'25 welcomes original contributions focusing on traditional RE topics,
such as requirements elicitation, analysis, prioritisation,
documentation, validation, evolution, and maintenance. It also highly
encourages contributions covering novel areas at the boundary of RE and
other disciplines, including but not limited to software
engineering/computer science at large, mechanical/electronic/civil and
other engineering, business, social science, psychology, anthropology,
and the humanities.
In addition, this year, we particularly encourage submissions addressing
the theme “Future-proofing Requirements Engineering”. This theme focuses
on innovating RE by embracing AI, DevOps, sustainability, security,
personalization, and agile practices. It aims to equip professionals
with the tools and methodologies needed to address the evolving
challenges and opportunities in software development, ensuring robust,
user-centric, and adaptable systems.
Call for contributions:
* Research Papers (Solution-focused and Evaluation-focused)
* Industrial Innovation Papers (Full, Short, and Presentation-only)
* RE@Next! Papers (Research Previews and Vision)
* Posters and Tool Demonstrations
* Journal-First Papers
We also invite:
* Tutorial Proposals
* Workshop Proposals
* Submissions to the Doctoral Symposium
* (NEW) Submissions to RE Open Data Initiative (contact<>
to know more)
Submission Dates:
* Dec 10, 2024: RE Open Data Initiative Submissions
* Jan 20, 2025: Workshop Proposals
* Mar 3, 2025: Research Paper Abstracts
* Mar 10, 2025: Research Papers
* Mar 24, 2025: RE@Next! & Industrial Innovation Paper Abstracts
* Apr 07, 2025: RE@Next! & Industrial Innovation Papers
* Apr 28, 2025: Journal-First & Tutorial Proposals
* Jun 2, 2025: Workshop Papers
* Jun 16, 2025: Doctoral Symposium Papers & Poster and Tool Demos
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Standard Time).
RE’25 will have a diverse program and interactive sessions attendees.
We are looking forward to your submissions and an exciting conference!