Call for Participation #AMALGAM2020, Summer School – Early Registration: March 25

Call for Participation #AMALGAM2020, Summer School, Las Vegas, USA

6th IEEE ICACCE & IEEE Las Vegas Section invite you all to participate in this very special event that gives a unique opportunity to interact with outstanding specialists in the area of Machine Learning and its applications in Signal, Image Processing and Computer Vision to get acquainted with huge opportunities and impact of Machine Learning, serious issues and challenges of their development, as well as, newest concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in numerous R&D projects.

This summer school combines lectures, practical workshops, an excursion and a student-led research project. The summer school is open to students at all levels, researchers and practitioners from all disciplines interested in Machine Learning and its application in Signal, Image and Computer Vision.

To apply, please complete the application form: 


detailing educational background, motivation and a sketch of a short research project to be completed during the summer school by the application deadline (25 March 2020).  


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