PhenomUK workshop on 3D point clouds

PhenomUK workshop on feature extraction from 3D point clouds

Wednesday 10th June

STEM Centre, University of Essex


Overview: 3D imaging is increasingly being used in the context of crop imaging, driven in large part by the challenge of high throughput phenotyping (identification of effects on plant structure and function resulting from genotypic differences and environmental conditions). Motivated by applications in crop imaging, this workshop will focus upon the general challenge of feature extraction from 3D point clouds, bringing together those working on challenges of this type in different applications. This free workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for those working on algorithms for 3D point cloud processing to present their work and to explore applications in crop imaging.

Call for abstracts: There is the opportunity to present your work either as an oral presentation or poster. Closing date for abstracts is 24th April 2020. Notification of acceptance is 11th May 2020.

Specific topics of interest include but are not restricted to:

  • generic methods for extraction of features from 3D point clouds including deep learning
  • advances in segmentation, tracking, detection, reconstruction and identification methods for 3D point clouds which address unsolved plant phenotyping problems
  • advances in feature extraction and related 3D imaging computer vision tasks which address challenges in other applications

Invited Speakers:

  • Dr Nick Pears (University of York) “A tour of deep learning on 3D images”
  • Dr Gert Kootstra (Wageningen University and Research) “3D digital plant phenotyping”

Further information and submission guidelines:

Please send a 1-page abstract by the deadline to, indicating at the time whether your preference is for an oral or poster presentation. Further information about the workshop is available at


  • Dr Andrew Thompson (National Physical Laboratory)
  • Dr Tony Pridmore (University of Nottingham)

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