New Summer School S3B2-ML: Summer School on Sensor-Based Behavioral Machine Learning

I am one of the organizers ofS3B2-ML: Summer School on Sensor-Based Behavioral Machine Learning, which will be held at the Information Sciences Institute in Marina del Rey, California on August 3rd-12th. This is part of a program run by theUSC Viterbi School of Engineering, with PI Shri Naryanan, and co-PIs Emilio Ferrara and Kristina Lerman.
We are inviting students to a summer school where they will analyze multimodal bio-behavioral data, such FitBit sensors, to infer and better understand human behaviors. This critical task blends several fields from psychology to signal processing to AI, which are not often studied together. We have invited several experts from diverse fields to how discuss how sensors, data extraction, and machine learning can combine to create critical behavior sensing tools. Students will take knowledge gleaned from these experts to create and tackle projects with real human sensor data. These projects are expected to turn into research papers.
We are looking for graduate students and postdocs to take part in the program. A computer science background is encouraged but not needed. Students should be familiar with basic coding, e.g., Python. We will offer letter of invitation to international students who are accepted to the program. We will offer scholarships for some students. Students will apply for travel grants that cover hotel and travel costs, and will be selected by experts who take into account academic achievements and financial needs. We strongly encourage underrepresented minorities to apply.

Application deadline is March 20.

If you have any questions please reach out to


We hope to see you there!
Keith Burghardt

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