Archive for the ‘England-UK’ Category

IEEE ICCI*CC’14: Deadline Extended to April 1 – 13th IEEE Cogn itive Informatics & Cognitive Computing

Upon many requests, the deadline for paper submission to IEEE ICCI’CC’14 has been extended to April 1, 2014 ( The Proceedings of ICCI*CC’14 will be published by IEEE CS Press. Papers accepted in ICCI*CC’14 will be indexed by EI. SCI index is under discussion. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in several EI […]


8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2014) Oxford, UK 15-17 September, 2014 Uncertainty, imprecision and inconsistency in data sets have been studied for several years in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Databases. The availability of vast amounts of information nowadays makes the need for formalisms, algorithms and tools for […]


S-CUBE 2014, 5th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software October 5–7, 2014 – Warwick, Great Britain


BODYNETS 2014, 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks September 29–October 1, 2014 – London, Great Britain

The Rise of the Humans (Business Reimagined Part II)

The Rise of the Humans (Business Reimagined Part II) By Dave Coplin, Microsoft’s Keynote Speaker and Chief Envisioning Officer

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