Archive for the ‘India’ Category

Global Scholastic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

Email not displaying correctly? View in your browser.  Global Scholastic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary    (GSRJ)   ISSN: 2349-9397  A PEER REVIEWED REFEREED MONTHLY E- JOURNAL Website: From India  GLOBAL SCHOLASTIC RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS FROM DOUBLE BLIND REFERRED & REVIEWED ISSN JOURNAL An Online Access Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, Interdisciplinary, Monthly […]


9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED COMPUTING & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICACCT 2015) 27-29 NOVEMBER 2015, PANIPAT, INDIA ================================================================= The objective of ICACCT 2015 is to focus on innovative research contributing to the fields of ‘Advanced Computing and Communication Technology’ on a wide range of research topics spanning both theoretical ,systems and applications including the Emerging […]

Annual International Conference Shaastrarth-2015 (IEEE Sponsered)

Our Annual International Conference Shaastrarth-2015 (IEEE Sponsered) is Being Hosted this year at Bhilai Campus on 29th and 30th June 2015. The Theme for this year is Advanced Research Applications in Engineering and Technology.   This year again we have Host of Internationally Acclaimed Keynote Speakers as in the Previous versions of Shaastrarth. This year […]

Applied Metaheuristics for Addressing Big Data Problems

In order to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Intl. Neural Network Society (INNS) India Regional Chapter, a spl. issue of the SCIE indexed (Impact Factor:1.68) publication “Intl. Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation” is being contemplated. The title being “Applied Metaheuristics for Addressing Big Data Problems”. For more info, pls. visit

8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT™-2014)

8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT™-2014) In association with IETE & TECHNIA: International Journal   Technically Co-sponsored by Computer Society Chapter IEEE Delhi Section On November 15, 2014 Conference website:  Full Paper Submission Date 07th October, 2014   Dear Sir/Madam,   Warm Seasons Greetings from APIIT SD India! Please help in spreading this message. Asia Pacific Institute of […]

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