WCCS15: 2015 IEEE Third World Conference on Complex Systems. For more information visit: http://mscomplexsystems.org/wccs15/ For submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wccs15 PUBLICATION The proceedings will be included in the IEEE digital library (IEEE Xplore). Extended versions of best papers will be invited for publication in International journals. THE TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: -Foundations of […]
Archive for the ‘Morocco’ Category

META’2014 International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing 27-31 Oct 2014 Marrakech, Morocco http://meta2014.sciencesconf.org/
SITA’14 – 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications

07-08 May 2014, Rabat, Morocco ================= Dear Colleagues, Due to numerous requests, the conference submission deadline is delayed to the 31 of January 2014, You are invited to submit your paper to the conference SITA’14 (3w.inpt.ac.ma/sita14) or following workshops : – Real-Time and Embedded Systems, – TALA : Arabic Natural Language Processing (or Traitement Automatique de […]