Posts Tagged ‘Big data’

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

As you may know, in September of 2014, IGI Global released the third edition of its world renowned Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, edited by Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour.  This well received ten-volume reference set includes over 800 research based articles contributed by thousands of scholars and researchers from more than 73 countries worldwide. Its […]

Special Issue of the Journal of New Mathematics & Natural Computing

Special Issue of the Journal of New Mathematics & Natural Computing Big Data Analytics: Fundamentals and applications The Journal of New Mathematics & Natural Computing is published by World Scientific Publishing ( with ISSN:1793-0057 [print] and ISSN:1793-7027 [electronic]. This journal is covered in Cabell’s Computer Science directory, abstracted and indexed in Scopus, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt […]

20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2015)

The 20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2015) 6-9 July 2015, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus *** Submission Deadline Extended: February 16th, 2015 *** ISCC 2015, in its 20th anniversary, will provide an insight into the unique world stemming from the interaction between the fields of computers and communications. ISCC 2015 […]


CICLO DE CHARLAS Y PANELES “HABLEMOS DE BIG DATA” ******************************************************************** Maestría en Explotación de Datos y Descubrimiento del Conocimiento Universidad de Buenos Aires ******************************************************************** La Maestría en Explotación de Datos y Descubrimiento del Conocimiento de la Universidad de Buenos Aires está desarrollando un ciclo inédito de charlas y paneles, para celebrar el 10º aniversario […]

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