KR Track CALL FOR PAPERS 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Track Buenos Aires, Argentina 25 July-1 August 2015 CALL FOR PAPERS Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) is an exciting, central, and well-established area of Artificial Intelligence. In KRR, a fundamental assumption is that an agent’s knowledge is […]
Posts Tagged ‘KR and data management’
24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Track
September 8th, 2014 CI2S Enterprise Content Admin
Posted in Argentina, Congress, Country Tags: abduction, Action, agent systems, and others., answer set programming, Argumentation, autonomous agents, based data access, based reasoning, belief merging, causality and causal reasoning, change, Cognitive Robotics, conditional logics, constraint logic programming, Contextual reasoning, default logics, Deployed KR systems, Description logics, Diagnosis, economic models, epistemic and doxastic logics, explanation finding, game theory, Inconsistency and exception tolerant reasoning, inductive logic programming, Information Fusion, knowledge discovery and acquisition, KR and data management, KR and decision making, KR and general game playing, KR and the web, KR in image and video understanding, KR in machine learning, KR in natural language understanding and question answering, KR in software engineering, KR in video games, Logic programming, logical models of agency, many, Multi, Nonmonotonic logics, ontology, Ontology languages and modeling, paraconsistent logics, Philosophical foundations of KR, preference, Preference modeling and representation, QBF solvers, Qualitative reasoning, queries and updates over incomplete data, Reasoners and solvers: theorem provers, Reasoning about knowledge and belief, Reasoning about norms and organizations, reasoning about physical systems, reasoning about preferences, relational probability models, representations of vagueness, revision and update, SAT solvers, social knowledge and behavior, Spatial reasoning and temporal reasoning, uncertainty, valued and fuzzy logics, virtual environments Comments Off on 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Track