The International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research (INFOMESR),Cairo, Egypt, has the pleasure to organize the 2014 INFOMESR conference on its 6th round. This year conference consists of 4 world congresses: – WCEEENG (The World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering), – WCPEE (The World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering), – […]
Posts Tagged ‘Robotics’

2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy SystemsAugust 2-5, 2015, Istanbul, Turkeyhttp://www.fuzzieee2015.orgorganized by IEEE Computational Intelligence SocietyVenueThe 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE2015), one of the leading international conferences in the fieldof fuzzy sets and systems, will be held in Istanbul, Turkey.Istanbul is the largest city of Turkey and the third largest cityin the […]

7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems

SCIS&ISIS2014Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent SystemsDecember 3-6, 2014,Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, JapanOfficial conference site: General Affairs: info@scis2014.orgWe apologize for late announcement on paper submission.Paper style and paper submission site have been opened.For details, please see the following website.,Important dates have been extended as […]

2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE)

The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE) will be held in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México in November. ICMEAE 2014 provides a forum to showcase and establishes the current state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics, Control, Computer Science, and others. The […]