As we mentioned earlier, while the deadline for submitting full papers for NAFIPS’2014 — which this year is part of the general Wiener conference — was on March 14, 2014, we allowed some papers to be submitted late, until March 21 9and in a few cases, a few days later). The main conference website was open […]
Archive for March, 2014

Inicio: 2 de Abril de 2014 | Modalidad: A Distancia Duración: 9 meses | Carga Horaria: 200 hs. | Director: Mg. Ing. Luis Valle La Televisión Digital se está introduciendo de manera acelerada en los países de Latinoamérica a través de diversas plataformas (Terrestre, Móvil, Satelital, IPTV, OTT, CATV), encontrando a los profesionales desactualizados en cuanto a tecnologías, aplicaciones y regulación. Como […]
10th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece

Call for Papers and Participation The Computer Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) will hold its 10th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece. If you think that you can contribute, please send an abstract of about 300 words, via email, before 1 April 2014 to: Dr. Panagiotis Petratos, Vice-President of Information Communications […]
8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare May 20-23, 2014 – Oldenburg, Germany Past editions: 2006– 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013
26/3: charla “Synchronization is coming back, but is it the same?”

Subject: charla “Synchronization is coming back, but is it the same?” From: “Esteban Mocskos” <> ————————————————————————– Los invitamos a la charla: “Synchronization is coming back, but is it the same?” Michel Raynal (University of Rennes, France) Día: Miércoles 26/3 Hora: 15:00hs Lugar: aula a confirmar Pabellón I – Ciudad UNiversitaria- UBA