El Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile tiene el agrado de invitarlo/a para este Viernes 4 de Abril en la sala Javier Pinto, (Campus San Joaquín, Edificio San Agustín 4to. piso) de 11:30 a 13:00 (GMT- 3) horas a los siguientes coloquios: “STATE OF THE ART IN NEURAL NETWORKS” […]
Archive for April 2nd, 2014
Call for Papers: The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR – 2015 January 4 – 7, 2015 ECSU, ISI Kolkata URL: http://www.isical.ac.in/~icapr15

Call for Papers: The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR – 2015 January 4 – 7, 2015 ECSU, ISI Kolkata URL: http://www.isical.ac.in/~icapr15 Started by Bikash Santra, Researcher, Electronics & Communication Sciences Unit, Indian Statistical Institute
InfoSci-Journals Presents: Research shows work quality on the decline

About InfoSci-Journals InfoSci-Journals consist of 155+ full-text, peer-reviewed journals with over 13,000 individual articles that focus on specialized topics in over 200 disciplines relating to technology, business, medicine, and engineering. Offering institutions exceptional value and unlimited access to a comprehensive collection of applied research journals, InfoSci-Journals is the ultimate database priced at the cost of […]
Maintain Your Competitive Edge – Take a Course at SPIE DSS

Maintain your competitive edge with SPIE training Register today for a course at SPIE DSS 2014: Choose from 42 half- and full-day courses on critical topics for the working engineer, spanning applications in both the defense sector and industry. This year’s program features courses on IR technology, sensors for industrial and military applications, laser systems, optomechanics, […]

The Comprehensive Research Journal of Education and General Studies (CRJEGS) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that will be published monthly by Comprehensive Research Journals (http://crjournals.org/Index.htm). CRJEGS is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. Editors and reviewers CRJEGS is seeking […]