MMSys2022: CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS to: Special Session, Demo & Industry, Open Dataset & Software, Doctoral Symposium & Grand Challenge Tracks

The 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (and associated workshops: MMVE 2022 (, NOSSDAV 2022 (, GameSys 2022) will be held from 14th to 17th June 2022 in Athlone, Ireland. MMSys2022 will provide a warm welcome to leading experts from academia and industry to present and share their latest research findings in multimedia systems. While research about specific aspects of multimedia systems are regularly published in the various proceedings and transactions of the networking, operating systems, real-time systems, databases, mobile computing, distributed systems, computer vision, and middleware communities, MMSys aims to cut across these domains in the context of multimedia data types. This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the intersections and the interplay of the various approaches and solutions developed across these domains.

MMSys is a venue for researchers who explore:
* Complete multimedia systems that provide a new kind of multimedia experience or system whose overall performance improves the state-of-the-art through new research results in more than one component 
* Enhancements to one or more system components and/or aspects that provide improvements over the state-of-the-art traditional and next-generation media services
* Evaluation studies, models and/or methodologies that provides added value to the multimedia systems community

MMSys2022 Special Session: “New Horizons in Multimedia Systems”

Innovations in multimedia systems have revolutionised the way we connect and communicate, reshaping the field in new, exciting ways by transforming how audio, visual, and multisensory contents are created, transmitted, and consumed. The MMSys community has always been at the forefront of such innovation, creating new paths for how multimedia systems are defined, designed, and implemented for the communication of the future. Recent advances in network technology, sensor design, and acquisition and rendering devices, reveal new possibilities for cutting-edge research in multimedia systems that can provide benefits in many different aspects (in terms of performance, perception, enabling new scenarios and services, reducing costs, etc.).

This special session addresses recent technologies and latest advances, their benefits and challenges in defining, designing, implementing, and testing emerging multimedia systems. This includes multi-sensorial affective systems that go beyond audiovisual communication through the integration of human-centric, multi-modal inputs and outputs; and machine-to-machine multimedia systems (drones, autonomous systems, etc.) that deal with the challenges of computer-vision oriented optimization and transmission.  This special session is focused on the following topics:

* Affective Interactive systems.
* Machine-to-machine multimedia systems

Accepted papers after double blind review will be published in the ACM DL.
Submission system:
Submission Deadline: March 4th, 2022
Acceptance notification: April 8th, 2022

MMSys2022 Demo & Industry Track:

The goal of the Demo and Industry Track is to bridge the gap between research and industry by showcasing demonstrations of innovative multimedia concepts. Researchers and industry partners will have the opportunity to share their prototypes and proof-of-concepts with MMSys'22 attendees.

We encourage innovative demo and proof-of-concept proposals. Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to multimedia, as advertised in the general call for MMSys'22. Researchers are also encouraged to submit demo proposals that concretize their accepted research papers and have a chance to showcase technical aspects of their work.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM DL.
Submission system:
Submission Deadline: 25th February 2022
Acceptance notification:  4th April 2022

MMSys2022 Open Dataset & Software Track:

Sharing data and code to allow others to replicate research results is the ideal way to advance the field. To reach this goal, the Open Dataset and Software Track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to make their work available and citable as well as to increase the public awareness of their considerable efforts.

Those who have created a new dataset or open-source software package that is relevant to the multimedia community should consider submitting it to this track. This includes, but is not limited to, software and datasets relevant to both traditional and emerging areas, traces reflecting network, user or application behaviour and performance, both real or synthetic, as well as software from all aspects of production, coding, transmission, use or analysis of multimedia systems. Together with the dataset or source code, authors are asked to also provide a short paper describing the motivation and design, and discussing the way it can be useful to the community.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM DL.
Submission system:
Submission Deadline: 25th February 2022
Acceptance notification:  4th April 2022

MMSys2022 Mentoring – Doctoral Symposium

MMSys'22 Doctoral Symposium (DS) will be part of the conference in Ireland for people studying towards a doctoral degree in a field relevant to the themes of MMSys (refer to the calls for papers on the various tracks and workshops). If you are a doctoral candidate who has found yourself reading or referencing work presented at MMSys in the past, or if for you the scope of MMSys makes you feel that this is a community that you would benefit from being part of, then we would love for you to apply to join us in Ireland.

The DS is a forum for you to share your work and ideas with fellow PhD students, and with more experienced researchers in your field. You will get the chance to present your plans, ideas, results and more excitingly, ask your questions and request advice from the MMsys community. The DS will take the form of a hybrid poster session, and you will briefly introduce your proposal to the participants in a plenary session. You will get feedback and suggestions from the community at large and a senior member of the MMSys community will give you in-depth feedback and address your questions. If you are successful in your application for a place in the DS, you will be invited to attend the rest of MMSys'22; the world’s leading international research conference on multimedia systems.

MMSys is an inclusive, growing and interdisciplinary community, so if you are not sure whether the specifics of your research are in scope then (a) they probably are, and (b) please email the chairs and they will do their best to advise you.

We invite ‘middle’ and ‘early’ stage PhD students, and for the first time, MMsys welcomes also early stage researchers who are currently preparing their PhD proposal to attend the DS. If you are still struggling with your PhD research questions, or if you have established your questions and have still got at least a year of work ahead of you before the submission of your dissertation, you can benefit from the DS. A proposal submission is required to apply for the DS. Your submissions will be peer reviewed. If accepted, you will be invited to present and discuss at the DS; either by attending physically or virtually. You can choose whether your proposal should be published as a paper in the ACM DL.

Submission system:
Submission Deadline: 4th April 2022 2022
Acceptance notification:  21st April 2022

MMSys2022 Mentoring – Postdoctoral Researchers:

In addition to mentorship for PhD candidates (see Doctoral Symposium), MMSys’22 will also provide mentorship to support the development of early stage Postdoctoral researchers or those looking to develop their own independence as researchers. We are currently in the process of brainstorming ideas on things that might be useful to this section of the MMSys community. 

Submission system: details coming soon!
Submission Deadline: 4th April 2022 2022
Acceptance notification:  21st April 2022

MMSys’22 Grand Challenge on AI-based Video Production for Soccer:

Organised and sponsored by:
* SimulaMet, Department of Holistic Systems
* Forzasys

Across different sports disciplines, soccer has a market share of about 45% of the 500 billion global sports industry. Soccer broadcasting and streaming are becoming increasingly popular, as the interest for viewing videos from soccer games grows day by day. In this respect, it is important to provide game summaries and highlights, as a large percent of audiences prefer to view only the main events in a game such as goals, cards, saves, and penalties. 

However, generating such summaries and event highlights requires expensive equipment and a lot of tedious, expensive, manual labour. 
Automating and making the entire end-to-end video analysis pipeline more intelligent is seen as the holy grail in sports video production, since it would allow for providing fast game highlights at a much lower cost. In this context, recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology have shown great potential, but state-of-the-art approaches are far from being good enough for a practical scenario that has demanding real-time requirements, as well as strict performance criteria (where at least the detection of official events such as goals and cards must be 100% accurate). Even though the event tagging operation has by far received the most attention, it is the easiest initial operation in an end-to-end analysis pipeline, which includes various other operations which also need to be addressed for the overall purpose of generating game highlights. 

The goal of this challenge is to assist the automatization of such a production pipeline using AI, assuming that the event is already detected and covered by other challenges like SoccerNet. In particular, we aim for algorithmic approaches for event clipping, thumbnail selection, and game summarization to be developed for soccer video streams. The challenge is open to any individual, academic or commercial institution. 

Please see the conference website for further details and information on prizes for different tasks within the challenge.
Submission system:
Submission Deadline: 5th April 2022 
Acceptance notification:  20th April 2022


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