Call for Participation: PBVS 2025 Multi-modal Aerial View Image Challenge – C

PBVS 2025 Multi-modal Aerial View Image Challenge – C (SAR Classification)

The PBVS 2025 Multi-modal Aerial View Image Challenge – C invites researchers and practitioners to advance automated target recognition (ATR) by leveraging multi-modal aerial imagery. This competition focuses on the classification of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, utilizing both SAR and electro-optical (EO) inputs to explore how multi-modal information can enhance performance in challenging conditions.

Challenge Overview

Participants will develop a classification system to predict the class label of SAR imagery, distinguishing between 10 target classes and detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) targets. Innovative approaches such as domain adaptation, transfer learning, and fusion techniques are encouraged. Submissions will be evaluated on accuracy, novelty, and creativity, with top solutions invited for further recognition.

Key Dates

  • 2025.01.19: Release of training data (inputs/outputs) and validation data (inputs only).
  • 2025.01.21: Validation server opens.
  • 2025.02.21: Final test data release (inputs only).
  • 2025.03.02: Deadline for test results, fact sheets, and code submissions.
  • 2025.03.04: Preliminary results and paper submission deadline.
  • 2025.06.11: PBVS Workshop at CVPR 2025, results, and award ceremony.

Awards and Opportunities

Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants, and winners will be invited to submit their solutions as papers for presentation at the 21st IEEE Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS), held in conjunction with CVPR 2025.

Submission Guidelines

Participants are required to submit a description of their methodology alongside their results. Submissions will be reviewed for accuracy, reproducibility, and adherence to guidelines. Code and fact sheets must also be submitted for transparency and evaluation.


  • Scripts for reproducibility and performance evaluation will be provided.
  • A forum and direct email support (Justice Wheelwright: are available for queries.

For additional details, visit the competition page: PBVS 2025 Challenge.

This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in multi-modal ATR systems while gaining global recognition. We look forward to your participation.

CBMI 2025 – Call for Special Session Proposals (Deadline extended to Feb. 17)



21st International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2025
Dublin, Ireland, October 22-24, 2025



Important Dates

Regular and Special Session Papers

·         Paper deadline: April 23, 2025 (AoE)

·         Paper notification: July 1, 2025 (AoE)

·         Camera-ready and registration due: August 1, 2025 (AoE)

Demonstration Papers

·         Paper deadline: June 1, 2025 (AoE)

·         Paper notification: July 1, 2025 (AoE)

·         Camera-ready due: August 1, 2025 (AoE)

Special Session Proposals

·         Special Session proposal deadline: February 10, 2025 (AoE) February 17, 2025 (AoE)


Call for Special Sessions Proposals

CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics. At this time we invite you to propose special sessions for CBMI 2025. Special sessions are dedicated conference sessions, each focusing on one state-of-the-art research direction within the content-based multimedia indexing field. Special session papers, which can be invited or submitted, will supplement the regular research papers and be included in the proceedings of CBMI 2025. All special session papers will be subject to the standard rigorous review process for CBMI.


Special session proposals must be submitted by email to the special session chairs ( using subject “CBMI 2025 Special Session Proposal” by 17 February 2025 (deadline already extended). Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance to CBMI, qualifications of the organiser(s), and the quality and community interest of the topic/proposed potential papers. Required details for proposals are described below.


Usually, each special session should consist of four to six full-papers. In order to ensure the high quality of all conference papers, all papers submitted to special sessions at CBMI 2025 will be peer-reviewed through a standard review process. If a special session has many high-quality submissions, some of the submissions may potentially be moved to some regular sessions. 


The review process will be coordinated with the regular technical program review process, as coordinated by the TPC chairs. The organisers of each special session must 2 reviews per submitted/invited paper, while the regular program committee will provide 1-2 additional reviews. Final decision on acceptance/rejection will be made in collaboration between the special session chairs and the CBMI 2025 TPC chairs.


Please include the following information in your proposal:

  • Title of the proposed special session.
  • Name, affiliation, brief biography and contact information for each of the organisers.
  • A session abstract including significance justification and a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of the proposed special session topic.
    Note: The session abstract should be in a format that can be copied directly to the conference website to advertise the session.
  • List of potential papers if available, including for each paper: tentative title, author list, and preferably a short abstract.
  • Proposal for arrangement of the reviews from session organizers (e.g., list of members of mini-PC for the special session).
  • Description of the session format (e.g., conventional technical talks, short talks & panel discussion, etc..).


Call for Regular Papers

CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics. 


The organisers of CBMI 2025 call for novel and original research papers that are addressing the various topics of interest related to the conference. We encourage contributions both on theoretical aspects and applications of CBMI in the new era of Artificial Intelligence and foundation/language-backed-backed models for multimedia for multimedia. Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished research papers highlighting significant contributions addressing these topics.


Authors can submit full papers (6 pages + references) or short papers (4 pages + references).

Submissions to CBMI are peer reviewed in a double blind process and the language of the conference is English. For full details on the submission process see the submission guidelines.


Authors of high-quality papers accepted to the conference may be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special journal issue.



Call for Demonstrations

CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics.  We invite authors to report on novel and compelling demonstrations in all topic areas of CBMI. Demonstration papers are subject to peer review according to criteria such as novelty, interestingness, applications of or enhancements to state-of-the-art, and potential impact.


The length of the papers should be up to 4 pages. An additional 1-2 pages should be appended to the paper that illustrate how the demo will be conducted on-site at CBMI 2025. This additional content will not be published in the conference proceedings, should the submission be accepted. Including a link to a video showing the demo in action is highly encouraged. The submissions are peer-reviewed in a single-blind process. For full details on the submission process see the submission guidelines.


Presenters are expected to bring the necessary equipment (computers, etc.) themselves. The conference will provide a table, power outlet, screen, wireless (shared) internet and a poster board. If you have special needs (e.g., more space), please include a related note in your demo submission.


Topics of Interest

Topics of interest to the CBMI community include (but are not limited to) the following:


Multimedia Content Analysis and Indexing:

  • Media content analysis and mining
  • AI/ML approaches for content understanding
  • Multimodal and cross-modal indexing
  • Activity recognition and event-based multimedia indexing and retrieval 
  • Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text)
  • Conversational search and question-answering systems
  • Multimedia recommendation
  • Multimodal analytics, summarization, visualization, organization and browsing of multimedia content
  • Multimedia verification (e.g., multimodal fact-checking, deep fake analysis)
  • Foundation models, large multimedia models, large language models and vision language models
  • Explainability in multimedia learning
  • Large scale multimedia database management
  • Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems


Multimedia User Experiences:

  • Extended reality (AR/VR/MR) interfaces
  • Mobile interfaces and user interaction
  • Presentation and visualization tools
  • Affective adaptation and personalization
  • Relevance feedback and interactive learning


Applications of Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval:

  • Multimedia and sustainability
  • Healthcare and medical applications
  • Cultural heritage and entertainment applications
  • Educational and social applications
  • Egocentric, wearable and personal multimedia
  • Applications to forensics, surveillance and security
  • Environmental and urban multimedia applications
  • Earth observation and astrophysics
  • Physical and industrial processes

Automatic Item Generation and Validation – Livestream Seminar

Code Horizons introduces Automatic Item Generation and Validation: A Network Integrated Approach using Large Language Models in R, a 2-day, 8-hour seminar taught by Hudson Golino on March 12-13.

Learn a new way to create and validate questionnaires and scales using artificial intelligence, specifically large language models (LLMs), and advanced network psychometric techniques. This method, called AI-GENIE (Automatic Item Generation and Validation via Network Integrated Evaluation), eliminates the need for human data collection, saving time, money, and offering new possibilities in psychological assessment and measurement.

After this seminar, you will have the tools to design and implement a full-scale development project using AI-GENIE. If you are a researcher, marketer, or simply interested in creating more efficient surveys and tests, this seminar is for you.

Demonstrations and exercises will use R and RStudio.

This livestream seminar will be held via Zoom, but you can also join asynchronously by viewing the recorded videos of each session.

Professor Golino will also teach Network Psychometrics with Exploratory Graph Analysis on April 30-May 2.

Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. Email with any questions.


De São Carlos para o Brasil: ICMC lidera e inspira ações em prol de mais igualdade e inclusão nas ciências exatas

Reconhecida como capital da tecnologia, São Carlos sediará dois projetos em âmbito nacional para estimular o ingresso, a formação, a permanência e a ascensão de meninas e mulheres na área de ciências exatas. Sob a coordenação das professoras Kamila Rios da Hora Rodrigues e Lina Maria Garcés Rodriguez, ambas do ICMC, os dois projetos conquistaram mais de R$ 2,5 milhões, que serão empregados em bolsas e iniciativas espalhadas por todas as regiões do Brasil durante os próximos três anos. 

“Nosso objetivo é construir uma Rede Brasileira para Engenharia e Ciências Exatas (REBECA), impulsionando as ações de universidades e grupos de extensão parceiros, para ampliarmos o alcance e os impactos já atingidos local e regionalmente”, ressalta Lina.

Já o projeto coordenado pela professora Kamila tem como objetivo expandir as atividades dos cursos Meninas Programadoras e Professoras Programadoras. Idealizados pela professora Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel, do ICMC, as iniciativas já certificaram mais de 1,1 mil estudantes da educação básica e 118 educadoras. “Agora, vamos criar e disponibilizar material didático, com o apoio de uma equipe multidisciplinar de pesquisadoras das áreas de computação, educação e saúde, de modo a oferecer processos formativos com foco em temas caros à população feminina, especificamente relações étnico-raciais e saúde da mulher”, destaca Kamila.

Os dois projetos foram contemplados com recursos em uma chamada especial do CNPq. “A aprovação das iniciativas coordenadas pelo ICMC é um exemplo vivo do alcance e da importância dos projetos de extensão na USP, reforçando o quanto o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão podem se complementar, gerando bons resultados e engajando a sociedade”, complementa Kamila, que também é presidente da Comissão de Cultura e Extensão Universitária do ICMC. “A liderança do nosso Instituto nos dois projetos de âmbito nacional consolida nossa excelência também em fazer extensão”, acrescenta.

CIBSE 2025 – Extensión fecha simposio doctoral

Debido a varias solicitudes, hemos decidido extender la fecha límite de envío de artículos al Simposio Doctoral de ClbSE 2025 hasta el **20 de febrero**.


CIbSE 2025 (XXVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering) se celebrará en Ciudad Real en mayo de este año. Es un hito importante, ya que será la primera vez que la conferencia se celebre en Europa. Puedes encontrar más detalles en la página oficial del evento:


Dentro del marco de la conferencia, el simposio doctoral tendrá lugar el martes 13 de mayo de 2025. Durante la jornada, los estudiantes de doctorado presentarán sus trabajos, de manera presencial o remota, y recibirán feedback de un panel de expertos. Además, contaremos con la participación de Óscar Díaz, quien ofrecerá una charla invitada titulada “PhD walker, there is no research question; the question arises from literature searches”.


El objetivo de este mensaje es invitarte a animar a tus estudiantes doctorales a participar. Sería un verdadero honor contar con ellos.


Esperamos poder contar con vosotros.



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